Mass and Energy Balances - EGR 231 at Blue Ridge Community College

Effective: 2024-05-01

Course Description

Introduces the field of chemical engineering and how material and energy balances are applied to chemical processes, and physical and thermodynamic properties of multi-component systems.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits

The course outline below was developed as part of a statewide standardization process.

General Course Purpose

This course instructs future chemical engineers in integrating knowledge of chemistry, math, and physics to address real-world problems, tackling complex issues by understanding the physical context and formulating the necessary equations.

Course Prerequisites/Corequisites

Prerequisites: MTH 264, EGR 121, CHM 112 (grade of C or higher in these courses)

Course Objectives

Major Topics to be Included

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