English as a Second Language (ESL) at Blue Ridge Community College

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ESL 41 - Composition II
Provides further instruction and practice in the writing process and introduces advanced language patterns. Includes practice in developing and improving writing strategies. Credits are not applicable: Requires a sense of paragraph structure and development, appropriate use of verb forms, and command of basic sentence structures with some coordination and subordination, as indicated by a placement test and writing sample, or teacher recommendation from a previous level. Credits are not applicable toward graduation.
Lecture 3-6 hours per week.
3-6 credits
ESL 42 - Reading II
Improves students' reading proficiency to a level that would allow students to function adequately in the ESL 52 reading class and other college courses. Credits are not applicable toward graduation.
Lecture 3-6 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Requires competency in reading as indicated by the placement test or by teacher recommendation from a previous level. Helps students improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary development.
3-6 credits
ESL 52 - Reading III
Emphasizes applying and synthesizing ideas. Includes ways to detect organization, summarize, make inferences, draw conclusions, evaluate generalizations, recognize differences between facts and opinions, and introduces other advanced comprehension strategies. May also include comprehensive library skills. Credits are not applicable toward graduation.
Lecture 3-6 hours per week.
Prerequisite: Requires competency in reading as indicated by the placement test or by teacher recommendation from a previous level. Helps students improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary development. Improves students' reading proficiency to a level that would allow students to succeed in certificate and degree programs.
3-6 credits
ESL 95 - Topics In
Provides an opportunity to explore topical areas of interest to or needed by students.
May be used also for special honors courses. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours.
1-5 credits