Introduction to Nursing Concepts - NSG 100 at Brightpoint Community College
Effective: 2023-08-01
Course Description
Introduces concepts of nursing practice and conceptual learning. Focuses on basic nursing concepts with an emphasis on safe nursing practice and the development of the nursing process. Provides supervised learning experiences in college nursing laboratories, clinical/community settings, and/or simulated environments.
Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week.
4 credits
The course outline below was developed as part of a statewide standardization process.
General Course Purpose
The purpose of this course is to introduce the novice student to the basic concepts of nursing practice and conceptual learning.
Course Prerequisites/Corequisites
Prerequisites: BIO 141 or BIO 231
Course Objectives
- Demonstrate the use of therapeutic communication, caring behaviors and patient self -determination in the provision of basic nursing care.
- Describe the components of the clinical judgment measurement model and the nursing process.
- Apply clinical judgment to meet the basic needs of clients related to course concepts across the lifespan.
- Identify and report patient safety issues and risks.
- Provide safe basic nursing care with guidance using the core concepts identified.
- Demonstrate professionalism and professional behaviors.
- Identify quality improvement and informatics principles used in patient care.
- Compare and contrast the roles of the health care team.
- Identify principles of pharmacology related to the identified concepts.
- Identify the safety practices necessary for medication preparation and administration.
Major Topics to be Included
- Safety Concept:
- Overview of safety science
- Safety assessment
- Exemplars: medication errors, falls, and poor interprofessional communication
- Clinical Judgment Concept:
- Steps of the nursing process
- Steps in making clinical judgments
- Exemplars: care plans, concept maps
- Infection Concepts
- Principles of infection
- Chain of infection
- Hospital-associated infections
- Client risk factors for infection
- Infection control policies
- Interprofessional roles
- Pharmacology: Glycopeptide antibiotics (ex. Vancomycin), Sulfonamides, Penicillin, Broad Spectrum, Peak and Trough Levels
- Exemplars: Methicillin Resistant Antibiotic (MRSA infections, Clostridium Difficile (C.diff), urinary tract infection
- Mobility Concept:
- Principles of mobility
- Developmental considerations in mobility
- Principles of body mechanics
- Assessment and nursing interventions for clients with mobility problems
- Priority setting for clients with mobility problems
- Interprofessional roles
- Exemplars: chronic low back pain, immobile client on bedrest
- Functional Ability Concept:
- Definitions of functional ability and activity of activities of daily living (ADLs) and IADLs (instrumental activities of daily living)
- Assessment of functional ability
- Risks for loss of functional ability
- Role of nursing in the preservation and restoration of ADLs (activities of daily living)
- Exemplars: blindness, confusion
- Tissue Integrity Concept:
- Principles of tissue integrity
- Risk factors for impaired skin integrity
- Prevention strategies
- Application of clinical judgment in the care of the client with altered tissue integrity
- Exemplars: pressure ulcers, surgical wounds, cellulitis (pediatric
- Gas Exchange Concept:
- Principles of gas exchange
- Risk factors for altered gas exchange
- Prevention strategies
- Application of clinical judgment in the care of the client with alterations in gas exchange
- Exemplars: post-surgical atelectasis, viral/bacterial bronchitis
- Elimination Concept:
- Principles of elimination
- Risk factors for impaired elimination
- Prevention strategies
- Application of clinical judgment in the care of the client with altered elimination
- Pharmacology: Constipation: Laxatives, Bulk forming agents, Stool softeners, Osmotic laxatives; Incontinence: Anticholinergic, Antispasmodic; Diarrhea: Bismuth absorbent, Probiotics, Antimotility, Opioid-like, Antispasmodic; BPH: Alpha-Blocker;
- Exemplars: incontinence: bladder & bowel, benign prostatic hypertrophy: urinary retention, constipation/diarrhea
- Nutrition Concept:
- Principles of nutrition
- Risk factors for alterations in nutrition
- Prevention strategies
- Application of clinical judgment in the care of the client with alterations in nutrition
- Nutrition and diet therapy
- Pharmacology: Multivitamin, Collagen, Protein, Fat- and Water-Soluble Vitamins
- Exemplars: obesity: children and adults, malnutrition (older adult)
- ComfortRest Concept:
- Principles of comfort and rest
- Assessment and management of pain
- Sleep and rest
- Pharmacology: Sleep: Benzodiazepines and reversal, Sedative/hypnotics-(ex. Zolpidem), Melatonin, Opioid and reversal agents, Aspirin, Acetaminophen and reversal agents, Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs, Cox 2 Inhibitors
- Exemplars: osteoarthritic pain (chronic pain), post-surgical pain (acute pain), insomnia, sleep apnea
- Pharmacology Principles:
- General principles
- Legal, ethical and safety concerns with medication administration
- Factors that impact drug therapy
- Pharmacology: Lifespan dosage, Drug terminology, Kinetics, Legal/Ethical, Herbal
- Exemplars: pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacodynamics