Information Technology Design and Database (ITD) at Laurel Ridge Community College

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ITD 110 - Web Page Design I
Stresses a working knowledge of web site designs, construction, and management using HTML or XHTML. Includes headings, lists, links, images, image maps, tables, forms, and frames.
Lecture 3-4 hours per week.
3-4 credits
ITD 112 - Designing Web Page Graphics
Explores the creation of digital graphics for web design. Includes basic design elements such as color and layout will be explored utilizing a computer graphics program(s).
Lecture 3-4 hours per week.
3-4 credits
ITD 130 - Database Fundamentals
Introduces the student to Relational Database and Relational Database theory. Includes planning, defining and using a database; table design, linking, and normalization; types of databases, database description and definition.
Lecture 3-4 hours per week.
3-4 credits
ITD 132 - Structured Query Language
Incorporates a working introduction to commands, functions and operators used in SQL for extracting data from standard databases.
Lecture 3-4 hours per week.
3-4 credits
ITD 134 - PL/SQL Programming
Presents a working introduction to PL/SQL programming with the Oracle RDBMS environment. Includes PL/SQL fundamentals of block program structure, variables, cursors and exceptions, and creation of program units of procedures, functions, triggers and packages.
Lecture 3-4 hours per week.
3-4 credits
ITD 140 - Machine Learning I
Introduces students to artificial intelligence and machine learning. Examines basic theory, algorithms, and applications. Focuses on feature engineering and machine learning applications within the larger world of artificial intelligence. Part I of II.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits
ITD 140 Detailed Outline (VCCS Faculty & Staff Only) icon
ITD 145 - Applied Data Science Techniques
Reviews the fundamentals of descriptive and inferential statistics, probability, and distributions, as well as basic dataset manipulation and plotting techniques. Focuses on application to real datasets using graphical user interface (GUI) software tools as well as Python.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits
ITD 145 Detailed Outline (VCCS Faculty & Staff Only) icon
ITD 210 - Web Page Design II
Incorporates advanced techniques in web site planning, design, usability, accessibility, advanced site management, and maintenance utilizing web editor software(s).
Lecture 3-4 hours per week.
3-4 credits
ITD 240 - Machine Learning II
Examines theory, algorithms, applications, and issues within the subfield of pattern recognition and machine learning, including feature engineering and extraction, supervised and unsupervised learning. Focuses on theory and practice, with coverage of underlying mathematical and heuristic concepts. Part II of II.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: ITD 140 or division approval.
3 credits
ITD 240 Detailed Outline (VCCS Faculty & Staff Only) icon
ITD 245 - Advanced Applied Data Science Techniques
Surveys Big Data and data analytics, including demonstrations and applications of widely used tools and methods. Offers practice in data extraction and visualization.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: ITD 145 or division approval.
3 credits
ITD 245 Detailed Outline (VCCS Faculty & Staff Only) icon
ITD 250 - Database Architecture and Administration
Involves in-depth instruction about the underlying architecture of databases and the handling of database administration.
Lecture 3-4 hours per week.
3-4 credits