Human Services (HMS) at Rappahannock Community College
Distance Learning
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- HMS 100 - Introduction to Human Services
- Introduces human service agencies, roles and careers. Presents an historical perspective of the field as it relates to human services today. Additional topics include values clarification and needs of target populations.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - HMS 122 - Basic Counseling Skills II
- Expands the development of counseling skills needed to function effectively in a helping relationship. Emphasizes skills in responding, personalizing, summarizing and initiating. Clarifies personal skill strengths, deficits and goals for skill improvement. Develops plans for achieving personal and program goals.Lecture 3 hours per work.
3 credits - HMS 142 - Group Dynamics II
- Examines group dynamics, group leadership, group cohesion, transference and group helping through experiential involvement in group facilitating and leadership. Increases group skills through active classroom participation in group experiences.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - HMS 145 - Effects of Psychoactive Drugs
- Provides information on the biochemical, physiological, and behavioral aspects of substance addiction and will review the symptoms of addiction. Emphasizes areas of chemical dependency, medical epidemiology, physiological threats of addiction and methods of identifying multiple drug abusers.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - HMS 161 - Professional Skill Development for Human Services
- Teach professional skills necessary to make the transition from the role of MH consumer/client to that of services provider. Will cover confidentiality, professionalism, boundaries and roles, cultural diversity and personal values.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - HMS 231 - Gerontology I
- Examines characteristics of the aging process and problems for the elderly. Considers both theoretical and applied perspectives on the following issues: biological, psychological, sociological, economic and political. Part I of II.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - HMS 252 - Substance Abuse II
- Expands knowledge and skill in working with the substance abuser. Focuses on assisting substance abusers in individual and group settings and explores client treatment modalities. May provide opportunities for field experience in treatment centers.Lecture 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: HMS 251.3 credits - HMS 258 - Case Management and Substance Abuse
- Focuses on the process for interviewing substance abuse clients. Includes intake, assessment, handling denial, and ending the interview. Teaches skills for writing short-term goals and treatment plans with emphasis on accountability. Examines various reporting devices.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits - HMS 261 - Human Behavior I
- Develops skills in working with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities within the socio- cultural context. Emphasizes historical development of various social systems and how these systems affect the whole person. Part I of II.Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits