Statistics for Behavioral Science - PSY 210 at Rappahannock Community College

Effective: 2021-08-01

Course Description

Introduces the principles and processes of statistics for behavioral science research. Focuses on selection and application of appropriate statistical tests and accurate interpretation of behavioral science data. Utilizes statistical software for conducting statistical analysis
Lecture 4 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
4 credits

The course outline below was developed as part of a statewide standardization process.

General Course Purpose

Statistics for Behavioral Sciences is an applied statistics class focused on analysis and interpretation of data for behavioral science research. This course will prepare students to choose appropriate statistical tests, carry out analyses, interpret results, and write APA-style results summaries. SPSS is currently the preferred statistical software and is required for transfer to some 4-year institutions.

Course Prerequisites/Corequisites

Prerequisites: PSY 200 and Corequisite: MTH 245 or equivalent

Course Objectives

Major Topics to be Included

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