Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders - EDU 270 at Tidewater Community College
Effective: 2022-05-01
Course Description
Explores the nature of autism and related development disorders. Includes an exploration of assessment measures and diagnostic criteria. Discusses intervention strategies to support students in school settings.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits
The course outline below was developed as part of a statewide standardization process.
General Course Purpose
EDU 270 provides future and current teachers insight into students with autism and strategies for assessing and serving those students.
Course Prerequisites/Corequisites
Prerequisite: EDU 200 or departmental approval.
Course Objectives
- Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Describe the characteristics of Autism Spectrum DSM-VR.
- Analyze how Autism Spectrum Disorders may impact a student in the classroom.
- Assessing and Diagnosing ASD
- Discuss possible causes for the rise of identified cases of autism spectrum disorders.
- Explain why intellectual performance, speech and language, and adaptive behavior must be assessed when evaluating for an ASD.
- List and describe at least 3 diagnostic tools used to assess ASD.
- Describe the best practice assessment guidelines for individuals with ASD.
- Sensory Integration Disorders
- Identify behaviors that may indicate a sensory processing disorder.
- Evaluate how sensory processing disorders affect the behavior and daily living skills of individuals with ASD.
- Identify basic interventions to help children who have sensory challenges.
- Collaboration with Families
- Discuss the impact of autism on the siblings and parents of a child with ASD.
- Explain how culture and location impact a family's response to ASD, including preferences related to person-first or identify-first language and perceptions of interventions such as ABA.
- Explain the importance of communication and collaboration with families.
- List strategies for effective communication with families.
- Identify at least 5 support services for family members of a child with autism.
- Instructional Strategies
- List appropriate accommodations and modifications for children with ASD.
- Identify components of Universal Design to modify instruction to meet the academic needs of students.
- Assistive Technology
- List the benefits of assistive technology for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Identify at least 5 different assistive technologies including augmentative communication devices to support students with ASD.
- Create a brochure on assistive technologies to share with parents or other professionals.
Major Topics to be Included
- Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Assessing and Diagnosis ASD
- Sensory Integration Disorders
- Collaboration with Families.
- Instructional Strategies
- Assistive Technology