Safety (SAF) at Tidewater Community College

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SAF 120 - Safety & Health Standards: Regulations and Codes
Teaches development of safety standards, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), its rules and regulations; penalties for non-compliance, and methods of compliance. Includes an examination of Government Regulatory Codes and appraisal of consensus, advisory, and proprietary standards.
Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits
SAF 126 - Principles of Industrial Safety
Teaches principles and practices of accident prevention, analysis of accident causes, mechanical safeguards, fire prevention, housekeeping, occupational diseases, first aid, safety organization, protection equipment and general safety principles and promotion.
Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits
SAF 130 - Industrial Safety - OSHA 10
Presents an introduction to occupational health and safety and its application in the workplace. Emphasizes safety standards and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), its rules and regulations (OSHA 10).
Lecture 1 hour per week.
1 credits
SAF 135 - Safety Program Organization and Administration
Introduces techniques of organizing and administering practical safety programs. Emphasizes safety as a management function. Includes an examination of history, occupational safety and health regulations, and a survey of current laws, codes and standards.
Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits
SAF 137 - Working at Heights and Safety Procedures
Teaches how to properly use basic personal protective equipment and how to perform manual handling tasks in a safe manner in the wind turbine industry/environment. Includes appropriate alternatives to manual handling through planning.
Lecture 1 hour. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
2 credits
SAF 137 Detailed Outline (VCCS Faculty & Staff Only) icon
SAF 205 - Human Factors & Safety Psychology
Studies stresses on the human system, both physiological and psychological, that contribute to the severity of industrial accidents. Includes the interrelationship of industrial medicine and industrial hygiene and a study of the various occupational illnesses.
Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits
SAF 246 - Hazardous Chemicals, Materials, and Waste in the Workpl
Introduces the rules and regulations governing use, exposure to, and disposal of hazardous chemicals, materials and waste by-products. Discusses OSHA "Right to Know Laws," EPA and RCRA regulations. Provides the techniques to interpret and understand the code of Federal Regulations. Emphasis on management mandates, strategies, and options to comply with these regulations.
Lecture 3 hours per week.
3 credits