Computer Science (CSC)

Principles of Computer Science - CSC 110

Effective: 2022-03-31

Course Description

Provides a broad introduction to the field of computer science. Introduces design techniques, development of algorithms, and applications of computer science. Includes the idea of abstraction as a problem solving technique. Examines the functionality of computing innovations and computing systems. Discusses the potential impacts of these innovations from a social, legal, and ethical perspective. The assignments in this course require mathematical problem solving skills, algebraic modeling and functions, and use of variables. This is a UCGS transfer course.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits

The course outline below was developed as part of a statewide standardization process.

General Course Purpose

CSC 110 is designed as an introductory computing course for general education. This course may meet the computing competency requirement for non-CS majors as determined by the institution. It is not meant as part of a sequence and is a terminal course.

Course Objectives

Major Topics to be Included

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Computer Organization - CSC 205

Effective: 2022-01-01

Course Description

Examines the hierarchical structure of computer architecture. Focuses on multi-level machine organization. Uses assembler programming to complete simple projects. Includes processors, instruction, execution, addressing techniques, data representation and digital logic.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits

The course outline below was developed as part of a statewide standardization process.

General Course Purpose

CSC 205 or CSC 215 is intended to fulfill a first course in Computer Architecture, Organization and Systems in the CS curriculum. The focus of CSC 205 is on Architecture and Organization with a sampling of Systems content.

Course Prerequisites/Corequisites

Prerequisite: CSC 221

Course Objectives

Major Topics to be Included

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Introduction to Discrete Structures - CSC 208

Effective: 2021-08-01

Course Description

Introduces discrete mathematics concepts in relation to computer science. Applies the use of Boolean algebra, analysis of algorithms such as logic, sets and functions, recursive algorithms, and recurrence relations, combinatorics, graphs, and trees. Assignments in this course require a basic understanding of programming concepts, problem solving, basic college algebra and trigonometry skills.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits

The course outline below was developed as part of a statewide standardization process.

General Course Purpose

CSC 208 is designed to provide students with components of discrete mathematics in relation to computer science used in the analysis of algorithms, including logic, sets and functions, recursive algorithms and recurrence relations, combinatorics, graphs, and trees.

Course Objectives

Major Topics to be Included

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Computer Systems - CSC 215

Effective: 2022-01-01

Course Description

Examines the hierarchical structure of computer systems. Explores the representation of instructions and data, memory organization/structure, structure of a CPU, programming hierarchy and operating system interactions.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits

The course outline below was developed as part of a statewide standardization process.

General Course Purpose

CSC 205 or CSC 215 is intended to fulfill a first course in Computer Architecture, Organization and Systems in the CS curriculum. The focus of CSC 215 is on Systems with a sampling of Architecture and Organization content.

Course Prerequisites/Corequisites

Prerequisite: CSC 221

Course Objectives

Major Topics to be Included

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Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming - CSC 221

Effective: 2021-08-01

Course Description

Introduces problem solving and implementation of solutions using a high level programming language in a structured programming environment. Includes concepts and practice of structured programming, problem-solving, top-down design of algorithms, a high level programming language syntax, control structures, arrays, and an introduction into object oriented programming. First course in a three-course sequence (CSC 221, CSC 222, CSC 223). The assignments in this course require mathematical problem solving skills, algebraic modeling and functions, and use of variables.
Lecture 3 hours. Total 3 hours per week.
3 credits

The course outline below was developed as part of a statewide standardization process.

General Course Purpose

CSC 221, CSC 222, and CSC 223 comprise the standard sequence of minimal programming content for computer science majors. The course sequence will teach the students to use high-level languages and their applications to problem solving by using algorithms within procedural and object-oriented techniques, while ensuring data adheres to a structured model. This course is the first course in the sequence. It introduces computer based problem solving and implementation of solutions in a high level programming language. Python is the preferred language for this course, institutions may offer using a different language to align with primary 4-year partner requirements.

Course Objectives

Major Topics to be Included

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Object-Oriented Programming - CSC 222

Effective: 2021-08-01

Course Description

Introduces the concepts and techniques of object-oriented programming to students with a background in procedural programming and problem solving. Uses a high-level computer language to illustrate and implement the topics. Second course in a three-course sequence (CSC 221, CSC 222, CSC 223).
Lecture 4 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
4 credits

The course outline below was developed as part of a statewide standardization process.

General Course Purpose

CSC 221, CSC 222, and CSC 223 comprise the standard sequence of minimal programming content for computer science majors. The course sequence will teach the students to use high-level languages and their applications to problem solving by using algorithms within procedural and object-oriented languages, while ensuring data adheres to a structured model. The Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming course covers the topics of classes, objects, encapsulation, cohesion, inheritance, abstraction, and polymorphism. JAVA is the preferred language for this course, institutions may offer using a different language to align with primary 4-year partner requirements.

Course Prerequisites/Corequisites

Prerequisite: CSC 221 or equivalent, or departmental consent.

Course Objectives

Major Topics to be Included

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Data Structures and Analysis of Algorithms - CSC 223

Effective: 2021-08-01

Course Description

Explores and contrasts data structures, algorithms for manipulating data structures, and their use and appropriateness in writing efficient real-world programming applications. Investigates implementations of different data structures for efficient searching, sorting, and other transformer operations. Third course in a three-course sequence (CSC 221, CSC 222, CSC 223).
Lecture 4 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
4 credits

The course outline below was developed as part of a statewide standardization process.

General Course Purpose

CSC 221, CSC 222, and CSC 223 comprise the standard sequence of minimal programming content for Computer Science majors. The course sequence will teach the students to use high-level languages and their applications to problem solve by using algorithms within procedural and object-oriented languages, while ensuring data adheres to a structured model. JAVA or C++ is the preferred language for this course, institutions may offer using a different language to align with primary 4-year partner requirements.

Course Prerequisites/Corequisites

Prerequisite: CSC 222 or departmental consent. Corequisite: CSC 208 or equivalent.

Course Objectives

Major Topics to be Included

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